erweiterte Suche

Dr. (ind.) Vinayak Nair

I have been working closely with Modern Practitioners and other Traditional Health Practitioners for the past 10years with the aim of integrating health systems. My area of expertise is that of preventive health care measures and mental health. I am humble to student of the science and sharing my learning on the way.

My primary work is aimed to bring ‘‘Lokha Samsatha Sukhino Bhavantu’’  ( Let all the beings in the world be happy ) a reality. I believe that humanity can blossom to its full potential only if we surpass our differences and look each other as our own extensions, connected and united.

My research interest is towards

  1. Understanding Photo-chemicals in plants, its properties, interaction along with pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
  2. Phytochemcial extraction and product development.
  3. Sound and Cymatics
  4. Developing protocols for inter-disciplinary research.
  5. Simplifying basic principles and theories of Ayurveda and Yoga.


„Make people think healthy...“


Ayurveda Vaidya

For the past 25 years of my life, I have been learning, practicing, teaching and researching within the field of Ayurveda & Yoga.
1997 - 2003: BAMS (Bachelors in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)
2001 - 2002: DYN (Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy)
2004 - 2007: MD (Ayu) ( Dravyaguna)


Dr. (ind.) Vinayak Nair
Stubenring 14/ DG Atelier
1010 Wien

Tel. 0043 664 76 20 638

Aktuelle Angebote

Aktuelle fixe Termine

Köstliche Gerichte erwarten Sie beim Basenfasten/Intervallfasten und Ayurvedafsten im Kloster Pernegg und leisten einen wertvollen Beitrag zu Ihrer Gesundheit.

27.07.2024 - 03.08.2024

Ayurveda-Intervallfasten mit Yoga

Pauschale p. P. ab: € 1.199,00

Kloster Pernegg - Stille und Sinn

Romana Muth, Vinayak Nair

Ayurvedafasten, Intervallfasten

Niederösterreich - Pernegg

Besondere Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen findet man beim Fasten im Kloster Pernegg.

21.09.2024 - 28.09.2024

Ayurveda-Intervallfasten mit Yoga

Pauschale p. P. ab: € 1.229,00

Kloster Pernegg - Stille und Sinn

Romana Muth, Vinayak Nair

Ayurvedafasten, Intervallfasten

Niederösterreich - Pernegg